Saturday, July 24, 2010

London Bridges

Well, I finally made it bitches. After receiving the news I had gotten this wonderful internship with Zandra Rhodes in February, I have been looking forward to meeting the unique, intricate individual who changed fashion in London in the '60's. My love of Zandra was turned onto me by my mother, who wore an original custom made Zandra dress the day she married my father in 1988. My first day was mainly spent with me feeling jet lagged and like I'd just gotten dumped off at summer camp, but after I was introduced to everyone that works/lives here, I felt much more at ease. Zandra's home is in the area Camberwell in South London, or according to the "tube" stop, London Bridge. I'm sharing a room with two east coast gals at the moment - Jess is from Virginia and Emily from Massachusetts. When Emily leaves on Tuesday I'll be taking over her job which deals with PR, marketing and social media. Since Zandra lives next door to the Fashion and Textiles Museum, I will be working there as well, and could not be more excited. Plus the building is pink.

Last night I had the honor of having a delicious vegetarian home cooked meal by Zandra herself. She prepared Ratatouille, which is kind of ironic since earlier in the day I found a perfectly preserved dead mouse in the garden next to the flat. I LOVE SAYING "FLAT". Anyway, the Ratatouille was mouse-free and was absolutely amazing. She also made a Greek egg-lemon rice soup with celery salt (that she home made) that her Greek dinner guest described as "one of the best things since ever, darling". She happened to be decked out in Missoni and was wearing a fabulous Marc Jacobs necklace that she said cost $2,500, and apparently Marc himself sent it to her for free since it was "super last season"...... After the main course we had the carrot salad, which I learned is very English. Then it was onto the homemade apple crumble and mint tea from Zandra's garden. The company was also incredible and included Michael Davis, a famous English architect who is currently constructing the new promenade along the Thames River. One other guest was none other than the real Mad Hatter himself. I swear, if the Mad Hatter were to be based off of someone, it would be this man. He had an electric shiny blue gingham suit, a crazy salt and pepper 'fro, and legs turned out in the opposite directions. It looked as though he was doing an eternal pliƩ. Above are some pictures of Zandra as well as some of her clothes so that you can get a peek at the kinds of whimsical designs she creates. Later, I'll post pictures of her lovely FLAT which could not be more colorful or filled with glitter and odd shapes.

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